Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Top 5 Books for Sinking your Teeth into the Bible

One of the blokes that I meet with regularly (to talk Bible, ministry, life) wants to build a little reference library for himself, to help him sink his teeth into Bible Study. It's a kinda 'next step' for him.

Here's the list I rattled off:
  • New Bible Dictionary (IVP, eds. Marshall, Millard, Packer, Wiseman)
  • New Dictionary of Biblical Theology (IVP, eds. Alexander, Rosner)
  • A New Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith (Reymond)
  • An Introduction to the New Testament (Carson, Moo), and the Old Testament volume, too. 
  • A Holman (HCSB) Bible, to use alongside his NIV/ESV.
Then there are commentaries, which are chosen case-by-case.

I'd be very keen to hear alternative theories :)


  1. What about Grudem instead of Reymond?

  2. Hey Luke. Good suggestion. Grudem is definitely more readable than Reymond--which would make him more suitable to many. But I kinda like Reymond's depth, and I think I agree with Reymond more-often than I agree with Grudem (though I reckon both are great).


    Thanks for the suggestion :)
