Occasionally, I hear people speaking as if the secret to the simple life was communal ownership, just like those first believers in Acts 2:44-45--or so they say.
"All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need."I'm not so sure. And the apostles' response to deception and feigned generosity in Acts 5:3-5 suggests private ownership is good and right in its place.
But here's the thing: private ownership makes your life easier because you can genuinely say, "This thing is mine" (which, of course, cannot overturn Christ's claim on it, you, or the whole world, for that matter). But it also makes life harder, because you (or your kids) have to be generous with your things. And generosity is a harder thing to instil in our children than fairness.